give me love。 Mother, I rejected thee。 Receive thy child now。 ”But the beggar…woman answered him not a word。
And he reached out his hands, and clasped the white feet of the leper, and said to him: “Thrice did I give thee of my mercy。 Bid my mother speak to me once。 ” But the leper answered him not a word。
And he sobbed again and said: “Mother, my suffering is greater than I can bear。 Give me thy forgiveness, and let me go back to the forest。 ” And the beggar…woman put her hand on his head, and said to him, “Rise, ” and the leper put his hand on his head, and said to him, “Rise, ” also。
And he rose up from his feet, and looked at them, and lo! they were a King and a Queen。
And the Queen said to him, “This is thy father whom thou hast succoured。”
And the King said, “This is thy mother whose feet thou hast washed with thy tears。 ” And they fell on his neck and kissed him, and brought him into the palace and clothed him in fair raiment, and set the crown upon his head, and the sceptre in his hand, and over the city that stood by the river he ruled, and was its lord。 Much justice and mercy did he show to all, and the evil Magician he banished, and to the Woodcutter and his wife he sent many rich gifts, and to their children he gave high honour。 Nor would he suffer any to be cruel to bird or beast, but taught love and loving…kindness and charity, and to the poor he gave bread, and to the naked he gave raiment, and there was peace and plenty in the land。
Yet ruled he not long, so great had been his suffering, and so bitter the fire of his testing, for after the space of three years he died。 And he who came after him ruled evilly。
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笑云弄风(网游) 作者 凉拖 假心话 网游之魔兽猎人传奇 极品射门靴 人到中年 独闯修行道 糖家制药 作者:雕白沐(键盘网游文) 指间的传奇 修道歧路 极道武圣:肉身无敌的我手撕诡异 盛世烟火(完结) 快穿,无心大佬不懂爱 网游--武林 精灵:这个馆主太阳光了 邪帝苍龙传 幻惑之域之娃娃 静默之时 满门战死化身毒士:女帝劝我善良 血瞳灰视 芙卡洛斯不会死,天理不容又如何